When owning a vehicle, you will need to purchase insurance to keep you and others on the road safe. For most, there are going to be two different options, comprehensive and collision insurance. Today, we are going to take a closer look at comprehensive insurance and what it costs for the average car owner.

What Is Comprehensive Auto Insurance?
Comprehensive insurance is insurance that will cover the damage done to your vehicle due to events that are out of your control. As the most common insurance coverage, comprehensive insurance will cover damages done from a variety of different events. This coverage is great if you live in a location where your vehicle may be susceptible to being damaged, vandalized, or harmed by the weather.
Is Comprehensive Insurance Full Coverage?
When discussing insurance policies, many may refer to the highest tier as “full coverage” Full coverage refers to an insurance plan that gives you full insurance coverage on your vehicle. Comprehensive, alone, does not provide full coverage, but when combined with liability and collision insurance, you can create a “full coverage” insurance plan. This is due to comprehensive covering out-of-control situations, collision covering accidents, and liability covering damage and injuries.
How Much Does Comprehensive Coverage Cost?
The most common question revolving around insurance is the cost. In a recent study done by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the average car owner in America paid about $160 for comprehensive insurance in 2017. This cost will vary from state to state and you can look at getting discounts and group policies. In order to get the most accurate quote, you will need to talk to an insurance provider for a personalized quote.
Comprehensive Auto Insurance In Waco, Texas
If you are looking for the best comprehensive auto insurance in Waco, Texas, look no further than Royal Insurance Agency. Our team takes great pride in offering our clients the best possible protection for all of your insurance needs. To get a quote on your comprehensive auto insurance, fill out our online quote form.